Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Interesting Fact About Bokeh

I found a good site about bokeh.
  1. The more extreme bokeh you can get is 600mm f/4.
  2. 400mm f/5.6 and the 200mm f/2.8 has similar bokeh to the awesome 85mm f/1.2
  3. 100mm f/2 has greater bokeh than 50mm f/1.2
  4. 200mm f/2.8 has greater bokeh than 135mm f/2
  5. Its expensive to get super bokeh with diameters of over 100mm
Its easier to increase focal length to get more bokeh than it is to increase aperture size.

The 200mm f/2.8 probably has the best bokeh per dollar.

And the 85mm f/1.2 has more bokeh than 135mm f/2

Here's some interesting facts that came out of this table:


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